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大休斯顿合作伙伴关系通过将商业和民间领袖聚集在一起,解决该地区独特的挑战,支持休斯顿的发展和成功. Hga010皇冠软件下载的使命是使休斯顿成为最适合居住、工作和创业的地方之一. 大休斯顿合作伙伴关系是希望参与休斯顿积极增长并影响该地区发展轨迹的商界人士的聚会场所. Hga010皇冠软件下载的会员包括950多家致力于该地区成功的公司和组织. 

Hga010皇冠软件下载的会员是大休斯顿伙伴关系背后的推动力量. Through active engagement and investment, 会员推动积极的变化,使Hga010皇冠软件下载社区的每个人都受益. We look forward to getting you involved!
Take the next step

Looking to learn more about 成员ship?

Upon completion of this form, Hga010皇冠软件下载的会员团队成员将与您分享会员信息,并回答您可能遇到的任何其他问题.

What 成员ship opportunities most interest you and your company? Select all that apply

Be part of creating a meaningful impact within our city. 

该伙伴关系致力于使休斯顿成为世界上最宜居的地方, 通过Hga010皇冠软件下载的经济发展和公共政策工作来开展皇冠HGA010官方下载, 同时发挥区域领导作用——召集关键利益攸关方讨论本地区最重要的问题. 

Receive exclusive information on the Houston economy and more. 

合作伙伴成员可以使用在线工具、数字订阅和其他资源. As a 成员, you'll receive detailed data and analysis on the Houston economy, the latest updates on the Partnership's impact on the region, 经济发展新闻,包括公司搬迁和扩张等等. 

Enjoy events, networking opportunities & business development. 

For those looking for networking and business development, the Partnership offers special events, 商业资源小组和论坛旨在为您提供与休斯敦商业领袖的联系以及帮助您发展皇冠HGA010官方下载的信息. 

Committed to Houston's Long-term Success

Through the dedicated efforts of our 成员s, 该合作伙伴关系解决了休斯顿独特的挑战,并支持整个地区的企业发展.


Membership Guide

Want to learn more about 成员ship? 查看Hga010皇冠软件下载的会员指南,了解更多关于伙伴关系的使命和多种参与方式的信息.  

探索 Ways to Get Involved

What interests you the most at the Partnership?

Business Connections
Discussing Regional Topics
Becoming an Advocate
Research Data

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Upcoming Event

教育 and 劳动力 Event

UpSkill Houston 10th Anniversary

Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴通过令人难忘的2024年休斯顿提升技能大会来纪念合作伙伴关系劳动力发展计划十周年的里程碑.  Over the past decade, UpSkill Houston has cultivated a distinguished, nationally recognized collaborative network comprising business, 行业, 教育, and community leaders. 这一联盟促进了牢固的关系,并为创新创造了成熟的环境, 旨在为休斯顿和德州墨西哥湾沿岸地区培养成功的劳动力. 随着Hga010皇冠软件下载的地区正在经历从工业到知识型的深刻转变, technology-driven economy, the imperative to address skills gaps has intensified. It demands heightened focus, 紧迫感, 共同努力维持Hga010皇冠软件下载的经济增长和竞争力.  这次特别会议提供了深入UpSkill休斯顿核心关注领域的机会, reflect on its impactful journey over the past decade, 预测未来五年该地区面临的技能挑战和机遇, 并为未来十年激发集体行动和承诺.  加入Hga010皇冠软件下载,成为2024年休斯顿提升技能大会的赞助商,并突出您的组织对休斯顿及其未来的承诺. 



  • Membership Agreement Form
  • Current Membership Rates
  • 好处 of Membership
  • Committee Involvement Opportunities
  • Upcoming 事件 and Programs 
Nichelle Poindexter
Vice President
Member Acquisition & Engagement
Looking for the rest of our team?
Partnership Staff
Executive Partners